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Psychedelic Fuzz Music from Israel
Dor Koren (multi-instrumentalist/vocals)

Bigfoot is real and living in Israel,
Recording and producing music and art from his own home,
Dor Koren plays every instrument with grace of a mythical story

And the magnitude of a wild animal,
Releasing a first album back in 2013, it was still as a home project,

By mid 2016 It has began to show proof it is much more then that,
BIGFOOT - BIGFOOT the full album is the first to get a propper release

Through It's A Gas! Records (DE)

BIGFOOT is out now on black and purple vinyl 

Get it here - 

Release Show in Israel - 22.6.17 - Ozen Bar - Tel Aviv

With Dor's full debut album you can see the world through the eyes of Bigfoot, Take a journey inside, outside and allover the place,
This is one trip you will never return the same from,
Crazed Fuzzed instruments, Psych Jazzy ferocious atmosphere
An arsenal of keyboards, strings and allot of free spirit,
Only the bravest and most wild souls can endure,
Testing each ones courage and self beliefe
Mythus, legend, folklore tale, Music Odyssey,
The BIGFOOT is here to stay.***


Sash Duwston.


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